Glenurquhart Road



29 November 2012

Please ask for: Miss J Maclennan

Telephone: (01463) 702132



Jaci Douglas Donald McLachlan Craig Ewan
Drew Millar Ken Gowans Kenneth Nicol
Douglas Graham Fraser Parr Linda Kirkland
John Watt Bette McArdle Laurence Young

Dear Director


A meeting of the Board of HIGH LIFE HIGHLAND will take place in the MEETING ROOM, AVERON CENTRE, ALNESS on THURSDAY 6 DECEMBER 2012 at 2.00 P.M. Please note the change in venue.

A note of the business to be transacted at the meeting is appended.

I trust that it will be convenient for you to attend.

Yours faithfully




1. Apologies for Absence

2. Declarations of Interest

Directors are asked to consider whether they have an interest to declare in relation to any item on the agenda for this meeting. Any Director making a declaration of interest should indicate whether it is a financial or non-financial interest and include some information on the nature of the interest. Advice may be sought from Officers prior to the meeting taking place.


3. High Life Highland Purpose, Key Business Objectives and Corporate Values P 1

There is circulated summary of High Life Highland’s purpose, key business objectives and corporate values as extracted from the High Life Highland Business Plan 2012-15.

4. High Life Highland Successes PP 2-33

There is circulated Report No. HLH31/12 dated 22 November 2012 by the Chief Executive presenting the best submissions from staff teams on the successful work being carried out by High Life Highland throughout the Highlands and across all areas of work.

The Board is invited to comment on the items presented and note that the selected items will form part of a long list for the annual Staff and Volunteer Award Scheme.

5. Confirmation of Minutes PP 34-65

The following Minutes are circulated:-

i. . High Life Highland (Trading) C.I.C held on 17 July 2012, for noting (pp 34-41);

ii. Draft High Life Highland (Trading) C.I.C. held on 27 September 2012, for noting (pp 42-46);

iii. Board Meeting held on 27 September 2012, for approval (pp 47-57);

iv. Finance and Audit Committee held on 6 November 2012, for approval (pp 58-62); and

v. Funding and Sponsorship Committee held on 7 November 2012, for approval (pp 63-65).


6. Matters Arising – Board Meeting of 27 September 2012 PP 66-67

There is circulated, for information, matters arising from the meeting of the Board held on 27 September 2012.

The Board is invited to note the position.

7. Draft Annual Report and Approval of Annual Accounts to 31 March 2012 PP 68-78

There is circulated Report No. HLH32/12 dated 26 November 2012 by the Chief Executive presenting the first annual report and accounts for High Life Highland.

The Board is invited to agree the Annual Report and Audited Accounts, the latter of which is to follow, prior to tem being submitted to the High Life Highland Annual General Meeting immediately after this meeting.

8. Finance Report PP 79-94

There is circulated Report No. HLH33/12 dated 26 November 2012 by the Chief Executive providing Directors with an update on the financial performance of High Life Highland for the seven month period ended 31 October 2012. The report also provides a forecast for the full year ended 31 March 2013, presents a sponsorship policy for agreement and proposes the enlargement of the Finance and Audit Committee.

The Board is invited to:-

i. note that the out-turn for the year to 31 March 2013 is estimated to be within budget by £92K;

ii. agree to adopt the Sponsorship Policy, as detailed in Appendix D of the report;

iii. approve the addition to the Risk Register of the sponsorship process, with a score of “effect” – significant, “likelihood” – marginal; and

iv. agree that up to a further three Directors are nominated for the Finance and Audit Committee and that one or more of those Directors indicate their willingness to be nominated as Chair at the next meeting of the Committee.

9. Human Resources PP 95-98

There is circulated Report No. HLH34/12 dated 22 November 2012 by the Chief Executive updating Directors on Human Resources activity for July-September 2012 including a quarterly report on absence, disciplinary and grievance issues.

The Board is invited to note the quarterly report including the update on the staffing establishment.

10. Quarterly Performance Reporting PP 99-112

There is circulated Report No. HLH35/12 dated 22 November 2012 by the Chief Executive presenting performance information for the period of July to October 2012.

The Board is invited to note that seven out of the ten high level agreed performance indicators have been rated as being on target, with three not yet having been assessed because they are annual indicators.

11. Verbal Updates

There will be verbal updates/presentations on the following:-


• Asset Management

• UHI Sports Campus

• Preventative Spend Bid

• Update on involvement in company business by Directors

The Board is invited to note the updates/presentations.


12. Preparation of Annual Health and Safety Report PP 113-134

There is circulated Report No. HLH36/12 dated 26 November 2012 by the Chief Executive informing Directors about the annual performance of High Life Highland in terms of health and safety management and suggesting that the company’s health and safety advisors attend the next meeting of the Board to discuss the content and structure of the annual health and safety report.

The Board is invited to:-

i. agree that QLM, the Company’s health and safety advisors be invited to the next Board meeting to discuss the content and structure of the first and future health and safety reports; and

ii. note the low number and low severity of incidents over the period reflecting good practice across the company.

13. Data Protection Policy PP 135-139

There is circulated Report No. HLH37/12 dated 22 November 2012 by the Chief Executive recommending a Data Protection Policy for High Life Highland. The Report also outlines how High Life Highland will manage its responsibilities under the 1998 Data Protection Act throughout the organisation and indicates the various levels of responsibility.

The Board is invited to agree:-

i. the adoption of the Data Protection Policy for High Life Highland;

ii. that the Chief Executive and, through him/her, Heads of Service and Principal Managers are responsible for the implementation of the Data Protection Policy within their teams;

iii. that the ICT Manager will present an annual data protection monitoring and review report to the Senior Management Team which will direct the ongoing implementation of the Data Protection Policy;

iv. that areas of significant concern will be raised by the Chief Executive with Directors; and

v. that the statement and score in paragraph 4.1 of the report is added to the risk register.

14. Business Plan and Service Delivery Contract Updates to Align with the Highland Council’s New Programme PP 140-150

There is circulated Report No. HLH32/12 dated 22 November 2012 by the Chief Executive.

The Board is invited to:-

i. note that the Council has set its service plans and that this has concluded the discussion on High Life Highland contributions to the Council programme;

ii. agree that the actions highlighted in bold italic in Appendix A be added to the High Life Highland Business Plan Operational Plans;

iii. note that all of the other actions in Council Service Plans where High Life Highland has a role, as listed in Appendix A, will be delivered without having to alter the existing Operational Plan actions; and

iv. note that the list of actions involving High Life Highland will form the basis of the agreement of the new public performance reporting requirements in the Service Delivery Contract with the Council.

15. Pay As You Go Prices in Leisure Facilities PP 151-155

There is circulated Report No. HLH39/12 dated 22 November 2012 by the Chief Executive presenting recommendations to rationalise the “pay as you go” charges for use of High Life Highland leisure facilities from 2013/14 onwards.

The Board is invited to agree to adjust the “pay as you go prices” to the Council’s approved target charges over a three year period from 2013/14 to 2015/16, while adding 5% each year to meet expected inflation targets of 2.5% as an agreed contribution to the budget savings process.

16. Operational Plans – Designated Directors P 156

There is circulated a draft amendment to the description of the Role of Directors in order to stimulate discussion on whether the Board wishes to allocate nine Directors, one each to the nine areas of work of the company to act as “designated” or “informed” Directors for that discipline.

The Board is invited to:-

i. consider and comment on the draft amendment;

ii. decide whether a Designated Director system should be established; and

iii. should Directors wish to proceed, to allocate the nine Directors to the areas of work.


The Board is asked to resolve that the following item be restricted to only those Directors and officers requiring to remain in attendance.

17. Income and Efficiency/Savings Targets PP 157-172

There is circulated Report No. HLH40/12 dated 22 November 2012 by the Chief Executive. The Board is invited to note the recommendations.